
New Baby

So what happens after I am home with Baby? A comprehensive course that covers the postpartum period for both Mom and Dad while getting to know Baby.

August 17th & 24th

Heart of Texas Midwives
4407 Medical Parkway

September 8th & 10th

Natural Baby Company
515 S. Congress Suite 200

What if I have trouble breastfeeding?

How do I get enough sleep?

How do my partner and I stay connected?

What is Attachment Parenting?

What will recovery and postpartum be like?

What do I do when my baby cries all the time?

What do I do with all this baby and breastfeeding gear?


$25 discount for all Heart of Texas Midwives and BirthFocus clients

Please pre-register for this course via email or phone.

​For couples pregnant and with babies of all ages!

Learning to Potty Train

For Babies 9-15 Months

Learn how to gently teach your little one to use the potty.
Be done of diapers by their first birthday!
Parents who use this method find it to be a great bonding experience between them and their baby.

$50 per family

Contact me to schedule your in-home class today!
Subsequent visits are available (added charge) upon request when you begin the process of teaching your little one or when needed.

In Learning to Potty Train, you will learn the method of teaching your little one to use the potty without harsh discipline or force. Also covered in this course are the supplies you will need, effective praise, using public restrooms, traveling and on-the-go tips!